No post found! Clinical Question-9 ‘Thumb sign’ in X-ray Edema – MCQs Reinke crystals Most common disease affecting the vertebral artery Physical Examination -VI Neuroanatomy Flash Cards-2 Skin and subcutaneous tissue Image Question-29 Phases of Valsalva maneuver Image Question-9 ‘Opening Snap’ in Mitral Stenosis Medicine Review MCQs-X ECG Question-1 Anatomy of Skin Oncology MCQs-1 Gastric lymphoma Dot-Dash sign Parasitic infection of the CNS Medicine Review MCQs-V Ankle:Brachial Index Anterior Pituitary gland in reproduction Holiday heart syndrome Image Question-17 Factors affecting Wound Healing Dropped-head syndrome Gastric cells Substantia nigra Most Common Complication of Dermoid Cyst Berry’s ligament Gametogenesis Mitral valve involvement in Acute Rheumatic Fever Abnormalities of placenta and cord Procalcitonin Medicine Review MCQs-XIII Medicine MCQs -9 Polyhydramnios Circle of Willis Windblown Appearance Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Appearances in dermatopathology LeCompte maneuver Pyramidal lobe Fallopian tube Transient myeloproliferative disease Cardiology MCQs-8 Heart-hand syndrome Mitral Valve Area is calculated as Acute liver failure Which is the term used to describe the amount of additional blood flow that can be supplied to the heart above baseline blood flow? TAPSE Medicine Review MCQs-IV Pericardial tamponade – Which is more likely Venturi effect ‘Striped’ appearance Gait disturbances Image Question-31 Gorelick Scale Citric acid cycle takes place in which part of the mitochondria Staghorn vessels Uterine Fibroid Contact Dermatitis Medicine Review MCQs-VIII Better outcomes after a catheter-based balloon mitral valvotomy procedure Hypertensive Heart Disease Stauffer syndrome is most commonly associated with Risk of having prostate cancer Infectious diseases MCQs-1 Ghent criteria Salt-and-pepper chromatin Smudge cells Medicine Review -I Prokaryotic cell structure Bariatric and metabolic surgery Which papillary muscle most commonly rupture following an MI? Enteric fever Significant Coronary artery lesion Mercedes-Benz sign Placenta Previa Iron absorption Neuroanatomy Flash Cards-1 Arteria termatica of Wilder McConnell’s sign seen in Krückmann-Wolfflin bodies Nitric Oxide Synthas Hypothalamo Pituitary Ovarian Axis Duke criteria Chocolate cyst of ovary Most common tumor of the cardiac valves Image Question-34 Cysticercosis Mitral Valve – Surgical Considerations Infectious diseases MCQs-3 Shone complex Anatomy of Tooth Klinefelter syndrome Enteric fever Diagnosis Primary lesions in Dermatology Medicine MCQs – 19 Annihilation Coincidence Detection Anatomy Biochemistry Cardiology Cells Clinical Questions Dermatology ECG Questions Echocardiogram Embryology Endocrinology Gastroenterology Genetics Gynaecology Hematology IMAGE Questions Immunology Infectious Disease Info-Bits Info-Cards Medicine Mitral Stenosis Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pathology Pharmacology Physiology Points Psychiatry Radiology Respiratory system Stream Surgery ULTRASONOGRAPHY Valvular Heart Disease Categories Select Category Anatomy Biochemistry Cardiology Cardiology MCQs Cardiomyopathy Clinical Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease Evaluation of Patients Heart Failure Pericardial Diseases Cells Clinical Questions Dermatology ECG Questions Echocardiogram Embryology Endocrinology Gastroenterology Genetics Gynaecology Hematology Hematology IMAGE Questions Immunology Infectious Disease Tuberculosis Info-Bits Dermatology Hypoxic Cell Injury Neurology Notes Vascular Disease Info-Cards Medicine Medicine MCQs Mitral Stenosis Nephrology Neurology Obstetrics Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Pathology Pharmacology Physiology Physiology MCQs Points Psychiatry Radiology Respiratory system Stream Surgery ULTRASONOGRAPHY Valvular Heart Disease
Which is the term used to describe the amount of additional blood flow that can be supplied to the heart above baseline blood flow?