
Lugaro cells

Lugaro cells are found in [A] Cerebral cortex [B] Cerebellum [C] Medulla [D] Red nucleus

Herald hemiparesis

Herald hemiparesis Herald hemiparesis is [A] Opposite side paralysis[B] Profound unilateral paralysis[C] Not associated with...

Meyer’s loop

Meyer’s loop is associated with A. Auditory Pathway B. Visual Pathway C. Basal ganglia Pathway...

Neurology MCQs -2

Most commonly performed intelligence test in adults A. Woodcock–Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities B. Wechsler...

Neurology MCQs -1

Encephaloceles most commonly occur in the A. Frontal B. Occipital C. Nasofrontal D. Nasoethmoidal Craniosynostosis...

Amnestic Syndrome

Amnestic syndrome refers to profound loss of A. Immediate memory B. short-term episodic memory C....

Papez circuit 

Papez circuit is involved in function of A. memory B. sensory processing C. motor function...


Haptic memory is a type of sensory memory that represents A. visual stimuli B. auditory stimuli...

Collier’s sign

Collier’s sign also known as – A. Dalrymple sign B. Posterior fossa stare C. von Graefe’s sign...

Dot-Dash sign

Which of the following condition is associated with ‘Dot-Dash sign’? A. Motor Neuron Disease B....

Bunina bodies

Bunina bodies are seen in – A. Chickenpox B. Parkinsonism C. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis D....


Nystagmus most commonly occurs when the ———— stimulated while the head is stationary. A. cochlea...

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