Question Bank

Anatomy of Skin

Contents1 Epidermis has ——- layers where the skin is thick2 In places of thin skin...

Hingorani sign

Hingorani sign is useful to differentiate which of the following condition in pregnancy: A. Tubal...

Bands of Ladd

Contents1 Ladd’s bands2 What is ‘Bands of Ladd’?3 What are the ‘obstructing Ladd’s Bands’?4 What...

Placenta Previa

Contents1 Major complication of placenta previa is2 All are risk factors for placenta previa except3...

Medicine MCQs- 17

Most common dementia diagnosis among older adults

Correct! Wrong!

Alzheimer’s disease,

What is the commonest type of gait disorders can also be classified by etiology?

Correct! Wrong!

Gait disorders can also be classified by etiology
Sensory deficit - 18%
Myelopathy - 16%
Multiple infarcts - 15%
Parkinsonism -11%

FREEZING GAIT is seen in all of the following EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Progressive supranuclear palsy
Multiple-system atrophy
Corticobasal degeneration

Shuffling gait seen characteristically in -

Correct! Wrong!

Parkinsonian gait known as shuffling gait presents as short steps, narrow-based with flexed knees and stooped posture.

Most common cause of frontal gait disorder is -

Correct! Wrong!

Most common cause of frontal gait disorder is vascular disease

Most common cause of frontal gait disorder is vascular disease, particularly subcortical small-vessel disease. Lesions are frequently found in the deep frontal white matter and centrum ovale.

Commonest cause of cerebellar ataxia in older patients -

Correct! Wrong!

Causes of cerebellar ataxia in older patients include stroke , trauma,tumor,and neurodegenerative disease

ALL of the following are correct about 'cautious gait' EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

walks with an abbreviated stride and lowered center of mass, as if walking on a slippery surface
This disorder can be observed in more than one-third of older patients with gait impairment.

Tropical spastic paraparesis is caused by -

Correct! Wrong!

Tropical spastic paraparesis - is a medical condition that causes weakness, muscle spasms, and sensory disturbance by human T-lymphotropic virus

Frontal gait disorder is also known as -

Correct! Wrong!

Frontal gait disorder sometimes known as gait apraxia,

Cerebellar gait ataxia is characterized by ALL of the following EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Cerebellar gait ataxia is characterized by a
wide base of support
Lateral instability of trunk
Erratic foot placement
Decompen­sation of balance

Medicine MCQs-16

Most common cause of hypercalcemia is -

Correct! Wrong!


Which of the following is the commonest pathophysiology of hypercalcemia of malignancy?

Correct! Wrong!

Excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP)
Excessive secretion of PTHrP is the most common cause of hypercalcemia of malignancy. It is also known as humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM) and accounts for about 80% of the cases.

What s the mechanism of action of Denosumab?

Correct! Wrong!

Denosumab inhibits this maturation of osteoclasts by binding to and inhibiting RANKL.

Parathyroid hormone-related protein cause hypercalcemia by all of the following mechanism EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Parathyroid hormone-related protein

similarity in structure, it acts at the same receptor as PTH and causes bone resorption, increased phosphate excretion from the proximal tubules, and calcium reabsorption from the distal tubules. It does not have any effect on 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D production.

Denosumab mimics the natural action of -

Correct! Wrong!

Denosumab mimics the natural action of osteoprotegerin
Osteoprotegerin (OPG), also known as osteoclastogenesis inhibitory factor (OCIF) or tumour necrosis factor receptor superfamily

Hungry bone syndrome seen after -

Correct! Wrong!

Parathyroid surgery

While mild hypocalcemia is common after partial parathyroidectomy, some people experience persistently prolonged low calcium levels. This is called hungry bone syndrome.

Human monoclonal antibody useful for treatment of hypercalcemia?

Correct! Wrong!

Denosumab - Human monoclonal antibody against RANKL
Inhibits the maturation, function and survival of osteoclasts.

All of the following causes Hypercalcemia EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Hypercalcemia - sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, Paget disease
Hypocalcemia is common in advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

Hypercalcemia of malignancy occurs in approximately ........ of all cancer patients during their clinical course.

Correct! Wrong!

Hypercalcemia of malignancy occurs in approximately 20% of all cancer patients during their clinical course.

Most common cancer associated with hypercalcemia of malignancy is -

Correct! Wrong!

The most common cancer associated with hypercalcemia of malignancy is multiple myeloma which has the highest prevalence of hypercalcemia of malignancy.

Medicine MCQs-15

Which nerve fiber has slowest conduction velocity?

Correct! Wrong!

Type C
C fibers are unmyelinated unlike most other fibers in the nervous system.
This lack of myelination is the cause of their slow conduction velocity

Most common inherited cause of peripheral neuropathy -

Correct! Wrong!

Most common type inherited cause of peripheral neuropathy is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
This is one of the hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies.

Inverted champagne bottle appearance seen in -

Correct! Wrong!

Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease

Dysesthesias restricted to the fifth digit and the adjacent one-half of the fourth finger on one hand point to disorder of the -

Correct! Wrong!

Dysesthesias restricted to the fifth digit and the adjacent one-half of the fourth finger on one hand reliably point to disorder of the ulnar nerve, most commonly at the elbow

All of the following are CORRECT for peripheral neuropathy EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Toes are involved first then Fingers

ALL of the following causes stocking neuropathy EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Excess vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage

Most common polyneuropathy is -

Correct! Wrong!

Most common polyneuropathy is diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy

ALL of the following are CORRECT about Wallerian degeneration EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Part of the axon distal to the injury (i.e. farther from the neuron's cell body) degenerates

Wallerian degeneration is an active process of degeneration that results when a nerve fiber is cut or crushed and the part of the axon distal to the injury (i.e. farther from the neuron's cell body) degenerates

In the CNS, including the spinal cord, myelin sheaths are produced by -

Correct! Wrong!

In the CNS, including the spinal cord, myelin sheaths are produced by oligodendrocytes and not by Schwann cells.

Which of the following nerve fibers first involved in Peripheral Neuropathy?

Correct! Wrong!

Type C

Megavitamin-B6 syndrome has been reported in doses as low as -

Correct! Wrong!

Megavitamin-B6 syndrome has been reported in doses as low as 24 mg/day

Medicine MCQs-14

Hereditary Lymphedema type II known as -

Correct! Wrong!

Hereditary lymphedema type II - known as - Meige disease

Most common presentation of Milroy Disease is -

Correct! Wrong!

Most common presentation of Milroy Disease is unilateral lower extremity lymphedema

Milroy's disease is also known as -
Primary or hereditary lymphedema type 1A
Early onset lymphedema.

Which of the following is called potato nose?

Correct! Wrong!


Potato Nose [Rhinophyma] develops in certain individuals with -

Correct! Wrong!

Rhinophyma develops in some individuals after long-standing rosacea that has progressed to acne rosacea

Most widely accepted cause of Yellow nail syndrome is dysfunction of - lymphatic system

Correct! Wrong!

Most widely accepted explanation for the signs and symptoms associated with Yellow nail syndrome is a dysfunction of the lymphatic system.

Milroy's disease is -

Correct! Wrong!

Milroy's disease - autosomal dominant

Stemmer-Kaposi sign is a helpful clinical sign in diagnosing -

Correct! Wrong!

Kaposi-Stemmer sign - inability to pinch and lift the skin at the dorsum of the base of the second toe

Kaposi-Stemmer sign has been shown to be the most useful.

Recent study has proven the link between geographic tongue and ....

Correct! Wrong!

Recent study has proven the link between geographic tongue and psoriasis - the presence of geographic tongue can be a predictor of psoriasis.

Blueberry muffin baby is due to -

Correct! Wrong!

Blueberry muffin baby - also known as extramedullary hematopoiesis

Virchow's law is applied for which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

Virchow's law - during craniosynostosis, skull growth is restricted to a plane perpendicular to the affected, prematurely fused suture and is enhanced in a plane parallel to it.

Medicine MCQs -13

Abiliity to identify common objects by palpa­tion, recognizing their shape, texture and size is called as -

Correct! Wrong!


When non painful stimulus is experienced as painful is is called as -

Correct! Wrong!

Hypesthesia or hypoethesia refers to a reduction of cutaneous sensation to a specifc type of testing such as pressure, light touch, and warm or cold stimuli

Allodynia describes the situation in which a nonpainful stimulus is experienced as painful
Hyperalgesia denotes severe pain in response to a mildly noxious stimulus

'Maltese crosses' under polarized light are commonly seen in the urinary sediment of patients with -

Correct! Wrong!

Maltese crosses under polarized light are commonly seen in the urinary sediment of patients with a nephrotic syndrome

Which is the VECTOR for Babesiosis?

Correct! Wrong!

Babesiosis - Tick-borne

Tsetse flies - Sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis) - Parasite
Sandflies - Leishmaniasis.
Lice - Typhus - Louse-borne relapsing fever

'Maltese cross appearance' in RBCs seen in -

Correct! Wrong!

Babesia microti, a hemoprotozoan parasite of rodents, is also important as a zoonotic agent of human babesiosis. The Maltese cross form, which consists of four masses in an erythrocyte, is characteristic of the developmental stage of B. microti.

Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a reduction in systolic blood pressure of at least ...... mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of at least ..... mmHg within ..... min of standing

Correct! Wrong!

Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a reduction in systolic blood pressure of at least 20 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of at least 10 mmHg within 3 min of standing

'Coat-Hanger' headache seen in -

Correct! Wrong!

Headache of Orthostatic hypotension - is called coat-hanger ache because it affects the neck and shoulders in a coat-hanger pattern.

Neck pain, typically in the suboccipital, posterior cervical, and shoulder region (the "coat-hanger headache"),
Coat-hanger headache -most likely due to neck muscle ischemia

Most common purpose of Lumbar puncture is in suspected -

Correct! Wrong!

Most common purpose is in suspected meningitis, since there is no other reliable tool with which meningitis, a life-threatening but highly treatable condition, can be excluded.

'Brugada syndrome' is most frequently linked to mutations in the

Correct! Wrong!

Brugada syndrome - most frequently linked to mutations in the Na+ channel α-subunit, SCN5A

Upper motor neuron lesions ALL of the following are CORRECT EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Fasciculations may be a sign of degeneration of lower motor neurons in which case they may be associated with muscle cramps and neuromyotonia.

Medicine MCQs – EBV

Severity of the disease in EBV infection correlates with the levels of

Correct! Wrong!

Severity of the disease correlates with the levels of CD8+ T cells and EBV DNA in the blood.

All of the following are CORRECT for EBV infection EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Fever is usually low-grade and is most common in the first 2 weeks of the illness

In the endemic type Burkitt's lymphoma ALL of the following factors primarily contribute to its development EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

In the endemic type Burkitt's lymphoma there are three factors that contribute to its development:
- Malaria,
- EBV,
- Expression of the c-myc gene.

Which is the most prominent sign in EBV infection?

Correct! Wrong!

Pharyngitis, often the most prominent sign, can be accompanied by enlargement of the tonsils with an exudate resembling that of streptococcal pharyngitis.

Epstein-Barr virus spreads primarily through -

Correct! Wrong!

Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV- It spreads primarily through saliva

In EBV infection Lymphadenopathy most often affects -

Correct! Wrong!

Lymphadenopathy most often affects the posterior cervical nodes but may be generalized.
Enlarged lymph nodes are frequently tender and symmetric but are not fixed in place.

"kissing disease" is other name for

Correct! Wrong!

Infectious mononucleosis is often called the kissing disease.
Epstein-Barr virus is spread through saliva.

Immunology MCQs

Prostanoids includes Prostaglandins and ---------

Correct! Wrong!

Prostaglandins and thromboxane A2 (TXA2), collectively termed prostanoids

Which immunoglobulin is an important part of the immune response against infection by certain parasitic worms?

Correct! Wrong!


Which is the largest immunoglobulin?

Correct! Wrong!

IgM is the largest antibody and the first one to be synthesized in response to an antigen or microbe, accounting for 5% of all immunoglobulins present in the blood. IgM typically exists as polymers of identical subunits, with a pentameric form as the prevalent one.

Which is the smallest immunoglobulin?

Correct! Wrong!


Which is the least common Immunoglobulin?

Correct! Wrong!


IgE is the least prevalent one, with a serum concentration 10,000 times lower than IgG.

Which is the primary mediator of vasodilation in "niacin flush"?

Correct! Wrong!

Primary mediator of vasodilation in "niacin flush" - Prostaglandin D2

Which is the most common Immunoglobulin?

Correct! Wrong!


In the process of binding of IgE to human mast cells and basophils which of the following is mainly responsible?

Correct! Wrong!

The α chain is responsible for IgE binding, and the β and γ chains provide for signal transduction

Binding of IgE to human Mast cells and Basophils is called as -

Correct! Wrong!

Binding of IgE to human mast cells and basophils - Called sensitization
Sensitization - Prepares these cells for subsequent antigen specific activation.

Which is the major prostaglandin produced by mast cells?

Correct! Wrong!

Prostaglandin D2


Which antiseptic effectiveness is limited by the organism’s ability to produce catalase?

Correct! Wrong!

Hydrogen peroxide - effectiveness is limited by the organism’s ability to produce catalase

Flash pasteurization involves exposure of milk and other liquid products to at least -

Correct! Wrong!

Flash pasteurization involves exposure of milk and other liquid products to at least 72°C (approx. 162°F) for at least 15 seconds

Which is the most effective skin antiseptic used in medical practice ?

Correct! Wrong!

Iodine is the most effective skin antiseptic used in medical practice

Greatest antimicrobial activity of UV light occurs at -

Correct! Wrong!

Greatest antimicrobial activity of UV light occurs at 250 to 260 nm, which is the wavelength region of maximum absorption by the purine and pyrimidine bases of DNA

Which is the most frequently used method of sterilization in medical practice?

Correct! Wrong!

Moist heat sterilization, usually autoclaving, is the most frequently used method of sterilization.

The process of complete elimination of vegetative forms of microorganisms except the bacterial spores from inanimate objects is called -

Correct! Wrong!

The process of complete elimination of vegetative forms of microorganisms except the bacterial spores from inanimate objects is called - Disinfection

germicide includes both antiseptics and disinfectants. Antiseptics are germicides applied to living tissue and skin; disinfectants are antimicrobials applied only to inanimate objects.
In general, antiseptics are used only on the skin and not for surface disinfection, and disinfectants are not used for skin antisepsis because they can injure skin and other tissues.

Dutcher body

Dutcher body inclusion body structure seen in the nucleushighly specific to neoplastic myeloma cellsPresence of…

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