Question Bank

Eponyms in artery

Contents1 Anastomotic connection between branches of the right coronary artery and/or left circumflex artery2 Connection...

Waterston’s groove

Waterston’s groove [A] Posterior ventricular groove[B] Interventricular groove[C] Interatrial groove[D] Atrio-ventricular groove Which structure is...

Bachmann’s bundle

Bachmann’s bundle is called as [A] Fasciculo-ventricular pathways[B] James bundle[C] Interatrial bundle[D] Nodo-ventricular pathways Bachmann’s...


All of the following are responsible for Pre-excitation ECXEPT [A] Bundle of Kent[B] James bundle[C]…

Accessory pathway

Most common sites for accessory pathways [A] Atrio-ventricular pathways[B] Atrio-fascicular pathways[C] Nodo-ventricular pathways[D] Fasciculo-ventricular pathways…


Sacubitril is a [A] Antedrug[B] Prodrug[C] Metabolite[D] Active drug Sacubitril is a pro-drug that, upon…

Down syndrome

Most common epilepsy syndrome in Down syndrome
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Infantile (Epileptic) Spasms

Brushfield spots
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Down Syndrome - small white or grayish/brown spots on the periphery of the iris

What is LOMEDS?
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Late onset myoclonic epilepsy in Down Syndrome

Most frequent cause of intellectual disability of genetic origin
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Down syndrome

Most common congenital heart disease in newborns with Down syndrome
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Brushfield spots

Brushfield spots seen in [A] Marfan syndrome[B] Down syndrome[C] Turnor syndrome[D] Patau syndrome Brushfield spots…

Myelopathy in Down syndrome

Myelopathy in Down syndrome is usually caused by  [A] Spinal stenosis[B] Atlanto-axial instability[C] Lumbar lordosis[D] Autoimmune…

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