Question Bank

Early Pregnancy Loss

Contents1 Most common cytogenetic abnormality among early miscarriages2 Progesterone levels in Luteal Phase Defect (LPD)...

Rib cage

Contents1 Cervical rib in humans is an extra rib which arises from –2 First ————...

Degeneration of Fibroids

Calcific degeneration usually involves which fibroids? subserous fibroids with small pedicle ormyomas of postmenopausal womenusually…

Brenner tumor

Brenner tumor Usually arises from squamous metaplasia of surface epithelium.Gross picture of Brenner is similar…

Meigs’ syndrome:

Meigs’ syndrome: Ascitesright side hydrothoraxbenign ovarian tumor -fibroma of the ovary, Brenner, thecoma and granulosa…

Duke criteria

Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis For diagnosis the requirement is: 2 major…

Granulosa cell tumors

Granulosa cell tumors Call–Exner bodies”coffee-bean” nucleiestrogen secreting tumorsBiomarker for granulosa cell tumours – Inhibin [hormone]…

Leydig cells

Which hormones are secreted by Leydig cells? Which hormones are secreted by Leydig cells?Leydig cells…

Hobnail cells

What are Hobnail cells ? Hobnailing is seen in Clear cell ovarian adenocarcinoma, Papillary thyroid…

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