Question Bank

Windblown Appearance

Contents1 ‘windblown appearance’ is seen in epithelium of which disease?2 Bowen′s disease – epithelium3 Windblown...

Staghorn vessels

Contents1 “Antler-like” or “staghorn-like” appearance.2 staghorn vessels are seen:3 Prominent staghorn blood vessels. “Antler-like” or...

Amnestic Syndrome

Contents1 Amnestic syndrome refers to profound loss of2 Common presentation of Amnestic Syndrome3 Possible etiologies...

Papez circuit 

Contents1 Papez circuit is involved in function of2 Theta waves are used to measure activity...


Contents1 Haptic memory is a type of sensory memory that represents2 Iconic memory is a...

Pott Puffy Tumor

Contents1 Pott puffy tumor results from2 Pott Puffy Tumor most frequently occurs as a complication...

Brain abscess

What is the most frequent intracranial locations for Brain abscess? frontal-temporal, frontal-parietal, parietal, cerebellar, occipital…


Commonest cause of syncope?A. Neurally mediated syncopeB. Orthostatic syncopeC. Cardiac syncopeD. Carotid sinus hypersensitivity ANSWERANSWER-AA….

P wave

PR interval is the time interval of – A. onset of atrial depolarization and the…


Which human monoclonal antibody used for the prophylaxis and treatment of inhaled anthrax?A. TrastuzumabB. OfatumumabC….


Which is the starting point for the process of Spermatogenesis?A. seminiferous tubulesB. epididymisC. Sertoli cellsD….


Which is not true about male and female gametes?A. Gynosperms are male gametesB. Primary oocytes…

Lupus Anticoagulant

Lupus anticoagulant is structurally -A. AntigenB. ImmunoglobulinC. Immune complexD. Phospholipid ANSWERANSWER – B.B. Immunoglobulin————————- Lupus…

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