Cardiology MCQs-5

High-arched palate is a feature of

A. Amyloidosis

B. Loeys-Dietz syndrome

C. Tangier disease

D. Marfan syndromes

Large protruding tongue with parotid enlargement suggest

A. Amyloidosis

B. Loeys-Dietz syndrome

C. Tangier disease

D. Marfan syndromes

Bifid uvula seen in patients with

A. Amyloidosis

B. Loeys-Dietz syndrome

C. Tangier disease

D. Marfan syndrome

Orange tonsils are characteristic of

A. Amyloidosis

B. Loeys-Dietz syndrome

C. Tangier disease

D. Marfan syndromes

‘Fingerized’ thumb occurs in

A. Holt-Oram syndrome

B. Apert syndrome

C. Crouzon syndrome

D. Down syndrome

Arachnodactyly characterizes

A. Holt-Oram syndrome

B. Apert syndrome

C. Crouzon syndrome

D. Marfan syndromes

High-arched palate is a feature of

  1. Allergic rhinitis
  2. Apert syndrome
  3. Crouzon syndrome
  4. Down syndrome
  5. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
  6. Fragile X syndrome
  7. Incontinentia pigmenti
  8. Marfan syndrome
  9. Treacher Collins syndrome
  10. Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome

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