Uterine Fibroid

Incidence of symptomatic fibroid is

A. 15%

B. 20%

C. 3%

D. 9%

Which of the following chromosome is implicated in causing uterine fibroid

A. 6th

B. X

C. 10th


Not true about uterine fibroid is

A. More common in nulliparous black women

B. Estrogen and progesterone are incriminated as the cause of growth

C. Frequent association of anovulation

D. Can occur before menarche

 Not a risk factor for fibroid

A. Nulliparity

B. Black women

C. Smoking

D. Obesity

Not True about degeneration of uterine fibroid

A. Hyaline degeneration occurs in 65% cases

B. Cystic degeneration usually occurs following menopause

C. Calcific degeneration usually involves the subserous fibroids

D. Infection is the cause of red degeneration

Infertility in uterine fibroid can be due to all except

A. Impaired sperm transport.
B. Defective implantation
C. Salpingitis causing tubal block
D. Increased surface area of endometrium

Myomectomy is contraindicated in all except

A. Suspected malignant change (sarcoma)

B. Infected fibroid

C. Unexplained infertility with distortion of the uterine cavity.

D. During cesarean section

In shorts

  • Fibroid is the commonest benign tumor of the uterus and also the commonest benign solid tumor in females.
  • The majority of fibroids remain asymptomatic (75%).
  • Sarcomatous change may occur in less than 0.1 percent cases. The usual type is leiomyosarcoma.

Prostanoids Changes in fibroid – imbalance of throm-boxane (TXA2) and prostacyclin (PGI2) with relative deficiency of TXA2

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