mbbs mcqs

Waterston’s groove

Waterston’s groove [A] Posterior ventricular groove[B] Interventricular groove[C] Interatrial groove[D] Atrio-ventricular groove Which structure is...

Accessory pathway

Most common sites for accessory pathways [A] Atrio-ventricular pathways[B] Atrio-fascicular pathways[C] Nodo-ventricular pathways[D] Fasciculo-ventricular pathways...


Sacubitril is a [A] Antedrug[B] Prodrug[C] Metabolite[D] Active drug Sacubitril is a pro-drug that, upon...

Hounsfield units

Hounsfield units Hounsfield units Hounsfield units are units universally used in [A] MRI [B] CT...

Anatomy of Tooth

Ameloblasts are cells that deposit A. Dentine B. Enamel C. Periosteum D. Epiphyses Odontoblasts produce...

Atopic Dermatitis

Skin in atopic dermatitis is deficient in A. ElastinB. GlutamineC. CeramidesD. Cysteine The infectious agent...

Colorectal cancer

Not true regarding pathogenesis of colorectal cancer A. Red meat releases heme groups in the...

Pancreatic cancer

Highest risk of pancreatic cancer is seen in A. Hereditary pancreatitisB. Cigarette smokingC. Chronic pancreatitisD....

Acute pancreatitis

Most common causes of acute pancreatitis are A. Gallstones, alcohol use, and hypertriglyceridemiaB. Drug-induced, gallstones...


Not true of bile stone formation is A. Brown pigment stones are more commonly seen...

Pyramidal lobe

Pyramidal lobe is present in A. Liver B. Lungs C. Thyroid D. Brain Pyramidal lobe...

Acute liver failure

Leading cause of acute liver failure in developing countries is A. Viral hepatitisB. Paracetamol overdoseC....

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