Coumadin Ridge
Coumadin RidgeCoumadin ridge, also known as a warfarin ridge or left lateral ridge “Q-tip sign”...
Coumadin RidgeCoumadin ridge, also known as a warfarin ridge or left lateral ridge “Q-tip sign”...
What is the Arrow marked structure in Echocardiogram Image ? What is the Arrow marked...
What is the diagnosis of Echocardiogram Image ? What is the most probable diagnosis of...
Case courtesy of Manisha Langar, From the case rID: 27753 What is the diagnosis...
Not true of placental anomalies is A. In vitro fertilization is a risk factor for...
All are causes of polyhydramnios except A. Maternal diabetesB. Fetal heart failureC. Abnormal swallowingD. Amnion...
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