
Medical Search

Meigs’ syndrome:

Meigs’ syndrome: Ascites right side hydrothorax benign ovarian tumor […]

Duke criteria

Contents1 Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis2 […]

Granulosa cell tumors

Granulosa cell tumors Call–Exner bodies “coffee-bean” nuclei estrogen secreting […]

Leydig cells

Which hormones are secreted by Leydig cells? Which hormones […]

Hobnail cells

Contents1 What are Hobnail cells ?2 Hobnailing is seen […]

Reinke crystals

Which conditions Reinke crystals are found? Reinke crystals are […]

Coffee Bean Nuclei

Contents1 Granulosa cell tumors2 Brenner tumor3 Benign or Malignant4 […]


Contents1 What is the sodium level below which symptomatic […]

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