Which is the term used to describe the amount of additional blood flow that can be supplied to the heart above baseline blood flow?

Which is the term used to describe the amount of additional blood flow that can be supplied to the heart above baseline blood flow?

  • [A] Coronary flow reserve
  • [B] Cardiac Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography Imaging
  • [C] Contrast flow phenomenon
  • [D] Myocardial blood flow

Coronary flow reserve

  • Coronary flow reserve (CFR) is the term used to describe the amount of additional blood flow that can be supplied to the heart above baseline blood flow.
  • The absence of CFR implies maximal vasodilatation of the resistance vessels at rest and an inability to further increase MBF.

How is coronary flow reserve calculated?

Calculate your coronary flow reserve, divide your coronary artery’s maximum blood flow by your at-rest blood flow.

Coronary artery’s maximum blood flow / coronary artery’s at-rest blood flow

A normal CFR is considered to be greater than 2.0 and in most patients should be somewhere between 3 and 5. 

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