Venturi effect

Venturi effect seen in which of the following condition

[B] Mitral Regurgitation

Venturi effect

HOCM – Venturi effect

Venturi effect – early rapid ejection creates a Venturi effect, which sucks the anterior mitral leaflet and the chordae into the left ventricular outflow tract.

The late peak (dome) occurs when the valve leaflets return to their original position when the left ventricular outflow tract obstruction reverses.

The spike and dome pattern is due to the

  • SPIKE – Rapid rise in aortic pressure during the early systole (due to the percussion wave)
  • DOME – Mid-systolic drop followed by the secondary or tidal wave.

Rapid rise in aortic pressure during the early systole (due to the percussion wave) followed by a mid-systolic drop followed by the secondary or tidal wave.

Mid systolic drop in amplitude of the pulse wave is due to a decrease in forward flow related to mid systolic obstruction which is in turn caused by the systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet. 

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