Recurrent artery of Heubner

Recurrent artery of Heubner

Recurrent artery of Heubner is a branch of

[A] Anterior cerebral artery
[B] Middle cerebral artery
[C] Posterior cerebral artery
[D] Basilar artery

Recurrent artery of Heubner also known as

[A] Choroidal Artery
[B] Distal medial striate artery
[C] Lenticulostriate artery
[D] Distal medial striate artery

Recurrent artery of Heubner most commonly arises from which part of

[A] A1 segment of Anterior cerebral artery
[B] A2 segment of Anterior cerebral artery
[C] A3 segment of Anterior cerebral artery
[D] A1-A2 Junction of Anterior cerebral artery

Recurrent artery of Heubner infarction most commonly causes

[A] Hemiplegia
[B] Brachiofacial Hemiparesis
[C] Paraplegia
[D] Pure sensory stroke

Recurrent artery of Heubner is the primary artery supply to

[A] Broca’s area
[B] Internal capsule
[C] Nucleus accumbens
[D] Red Nucleus

  • Recurrent artery of Heubner infarction most commonly causes – brachiofacial hemiparesis due to ischemia of the anterior limb of internal capsule.
  • Proximal part of Recurrent artery of Heubner infarction cause – spastic paraparesis and sensory loss contralateral to the lesioned side.
  • Urinary incontinence and gait apraxia may also occur.

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