Tram track appearance in kidney
Tram track appearance in a kidney is a characteristic of [A] Interstitial nephritis[B] Focal segmental...
CKD classification
A case of CKD with GRR 35 ml/min is classified into stage [A] Stage 1[B]...
What is the most common cause of death in renal failure patients
What is the most common cause of death in renal failure patients [A] Sepsis[B] Stroke[C]...
Most common cause of End-stage renal disease
Most common cause of End-stage renal disease [A] Diabetes[B] Nephrotic syndrome[C] Hypertension[D] Glomerulonephritis Most common...
Gorelick Scale
Gorelick Scale is used for Evaluation of [A] Malnutrition[B] Anemia[C] Dehydration[D] Neurological functions Dehydration in...
Vascular dementia
Contents1 Which of the following is a cause of vascular dimentia2 Vascular dementia3 Binswanger’s disease4...
Conversion disorders presenting as hemiparesis
Which of the following sign is used to differentiate Conversion disorders presenting as hemiparesis from...
Mechanism of Positive Hoffmann’s Reflex
Hyperreflexia in the setting of upper motor neuron dysfunction Sudden stretch of the finger flexors...
Mayer reflex
Contents1 Position of Hand for Reflex elicitation2 Reflex elicitation3 Hoffman Reflex4 Tromner Reflex Mayer Reflex:...
After the PCI Procedure in Cath Lab: Femoral Sheaths should be removed in case of anticoagulation with heparin once the activated clotting time [ACT] is below
After the PCI Procedure in Cath Lab: Femoral Sheaths should be removed in case of…
Most common presenting symptoms of retroperitoneal hematoma after cardiac catheterization
Most common presenting symptoms of retroperitoneal hematoma after cardiac catheterization Most common presenting symptoms of…
Most common complication for which postprocedural hospitalization is seen after cardiac catheterization is
Cardiac catheterization Most common complication for which postprocedural hospitalization is seen after cardiac catheterization is…
Cystatin C
Cystatin C Cystatin C is mainly used as a biomarker of [A] Liver function[B] RBC…
NANC fibers
Most common transmitter substances found in motor and sensory NANC fibers nerve endings are [A]…
Nevus of Ota
Nevus of Ota is a melanosis that primarily involves the region of the [A] Facial…
Tree-in-bud opacities on thoracic CT Scan
Tree-in-bud opacities on thoracic CT Scan most commonly found in [A] Pulmonary aspergillosis[B] Mycoplasma pneumonia[C]…
‘Claw and ball’ appearance
‘Claw and ball’ appearance is a feature of [A] Dysplastic Nevi[B] Psoriasis[C] Lichen nitidus[D] Angioblastoma…
Majocchi granuloma
Majocchi granuloma seen in Majocchi granuloma seen in [A] SLE[B] Sarcoidosis[C] Infective Endocarditis[D] Fungal Infection…
Jock itch
‘Jock itch’ is caused by [A] Erythrasma[B] Pityriasis versicolor[C] Lichen planus[D] T. Cruris ANSWER[D] T….
“Fried-egg” appearance
Fried egg appearance in dermatology is seen in – [A] Dysplastic Nevi[B] Psoriasis[C] Pemphigus vulgaris[D]…
Heart-hand syndrome
Congenital heart malformations are present in 75% of individuals with Holt-Oram syndrome, Most commonly Associated…