Spasticity and Rigidity
Contents1 What is Spasticity?2 What is Rigidity?3 What is paratonia ?4 What is Cogwheel rigidity?5...
Hürthle Cells
Contents1 What is a Hürthle Cell?2 What is the triad of classic definition of Hashimoto’s disease?3 What is...
Gastric cells
Gastric cells Cells found in the gastric glands include Cells Also called Secret 1 Foveolar...
Follow the link to Get Answers Contents What are the other names of Haptocorrin? What...
What are the types of homocystinuria?
What are the types of homocystinuria? Homocystinuria type-I- Due to the deficiency of cystathionine ß...
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