Question Bank

Pyramidal lobe

Contents1 Pyramidal lobe is present in2 Pyramidal lobe is defined as a thyroid tissue remnant...

Berry’s ligament

Contents1 Berry’s ligament is the suspensory ligament of2 Berry’s ligament passes from the thyroid gland3...


Contents1 Polyhydramnios is defined as a state where liquor amnii exceeds2 Sonographic diagnosis of Polyhydramnios...

M cells

Contents1 M cells are2 Microfold cells are specialized3 M cells function is4 All are TRUE...

Meckel’s cave

Meckel’s cave contains – A. Gasserian ganglion B. Basal ganglia C. Collateral ganglia C. Scarpa’s…


Ormeloxifene is also known as – A. Centchroman B. Progestin C. Drospirenone  D. Norethindrone ANSWERA….

Fragile X syndrome

Most common forms of DNA variation in the human genome are – Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)…

Vesicovaginal Fistula

Commonest type of genitourinary fistula is A. Vesicovaginal  B. Vesicourethrovaginal C. Urethrovaginal  D. Ureterovaginal ANSWERAns….

Frog sign

Frog sign is seen in case of – A. Atrial Fibrillation B. Atrial flutter C….

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