
All of the following are responsible for Pre-excitation ECXEPT

[A] Bundle of Kent
[B] James bundle
[C] Mahaim fibers
[D] Bachmann’s bundle

Which is TRUE for diagnosis of intermittent pre-excitation?

[A] Delta wave is abruptly lost
[B] Delta wave is gradually and partially lost
[C] Delta wave is abruptly and completely lost
[D] Delta wave is gradually and completely lost

ALL are types of pre-excitation syndrome EXCEPT

[A] Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome
[B] Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome
[C] Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
[D] Mahaim-type pre-excitation syndrome

Which of the following is “James bundle” pre-excitation?

[A] Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome
[B] Lown–Ganong–Levine syndrome
[C] Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
[D] Mahaim-type pre-excitation syndrome

“James bundle” pre-excitation involves connection of

[A] Atra to-ventricular pathways
[B] Atrio to fascicular pathways
[C] AV Node to ventricular pathways
[D] Atria directly to the bundle of His

Types of pre-excitation syndromeConduction fibersLocation and ConnectionPR intervalQRS intervalDelta wave
1Wolff–Parkinson–White syndromeBundle of Kentatria to ventriclesshortlongyes
2Lown–Ganong–Levine syndromeJames bundleatria to bundle of Hisshortnormalno
3Mahaim-typeMahaim fibers– Atrio-fascicular pathways
– Nodo-ventricular pathways
– Fasciculo-ventricular pathways
Types of pre-excitation syndrome

Most common sites for accessory pathways -atrio-ventricular pathways [bypassing the atrioventricular] node.

Rarer sites include connections – Mahaim pathways or Mahaim fibres

  • Atrio-fascicular pathways
  • Nodo-ventricular pathways
  • Fasciculo-ventricular pathways

These rarer accessory pathways are sometimes collectively referred to as Mahaim pathways or Mahaim fibres

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