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Cardiology MCQs-3

Sodium channel–blocking antiarrhythmic drugs suppress ventricular ectopic beats a recognized risk factor for sudden death...


‘P’ pulmonale in ECG suggests A. Left Atrial Enlargement B. Right Atrial Enlargement C. Left...

Anatomy MCQs-5

During fetal life which is responsible for shunting a majority of blood flow of the...

Anatomy MCQs-4

Each adult human kidney contains around ———– nephrons A. 0.5 million B. 1 million C....

Anatomy MCQs-3

Which divides the liver into a larger anatomical right lobe and a smaller anatomical left...

Cantlie’s line

Which structure lies in Cantlie’s line A. Left hepatic artery B. Left branch of the...


The total serum —————level gives the best estimate of vitamin D supply in the body...

Anatomy MCQs-1

All of the following are TRUE about Small Intestine EXCEPT A. Proximal part is fixed...


Klotho Klotho is a transmembrane protein that provides some control over the sensitivity of the...

Nephrology MCQs-14

PTH enhances urinary phosphate excretion by downregulating A. Upregulating K+Cl− Symporter B. Upregulating NPT2a cotransporter...


Not true regarding Erythema toxicum neonatorum is A. Usually occurs on the second or third...

Tomes’s fibers

Tomes’s fibers are present in A. Root Canal B. Ameloblasts C. Odontoblast  D. Embryonic Gum...


Ameloblasts form conical projections, known as Tomes’ processes in A. Inductive stage B. Organizing stage...

Anatomy of Tooth

Ameloblasts are cells that deposit A. Dentine B. Enamel C. Periosteum D. Epiphyses Odontoblasts produce...


When treating hypocalcemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism treatment can be further intensified by all EXCEPT A....


Most distinguishing histopathologic feature of chloracne is the lack of sebaceous glands Most significant environmental...


Strenuous physical exercise should be avoided for at least ———- before the urine sample delivery...


Pseudohypokalemia is seen in A. Conn’s syndrome B. Diabetic ketoacidosis C. Sampling errors D. Cushing’s...

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