Meyer’s loop
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Meyer’s loop is associated with
A. Auditory Pathway
B. Visual Pathway
C. Basal ganglia Pathway
D. Cerebellar Pathway
Which bundle of optic radiation is known as Meyer’s loop
A. Superior retinal fibers
B. Central retinal fibers
C. Inferior retinal fibers
D. Dorsal retinal fibers
‘Pie in the sky’ defect is seen in damage to
A. Optic tract
B. Lateral geniculate nucleus
C. Meyer’s loop
D. Fibers from the superior retina
‘Pie in the floor’ defect is seen in damage to
A. Optic tract
B. Lateral geniculate nucleus
C. Meyer’s loop
D. Fibers from the superior retina
Baum’s loop is
A. Superior retinal fibers
B. Central retinal fibers
C. Inferior retinal fibers
D. Ventral retinal fibers
Meyer loop also known as – Archambault loop
Optic radiations
Optic radiations- also called geniculocalcarine tracts,
Optic radiations extend from Lateral Geniculate Body (LGB) to Visual cortex.
Meyer’s loop
Meyer’s loop (Inferior retinal fibers) – pass through temporal lobe looping around inferior horn of lateral ventricle to the lingual gyrus (occipital lobe below calcarine sulcus).
Baum’s loop
Baum’s loop (Superior retinal fibers) – pass through the parietal lobe to the cuneus (occipital lobe above calcarine sulcus).
Mayer’s Loop
Ratznium at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons