Medicine Review MCQs -XI
- 1 The drug of choice of cryptococcal meningitis - [AI -1995]
- 2 Tropical spastic paraparesis is caused by - [AIIMS -2015]
- 3 All of the following are TRUE about Ramsay hunt syndrome EXCEPT -
- 4 All of the following are TRUE about Palatal Myoclonus EXCEPT -
- 5 CSF glucose level is approximately ---------- of Plasma glucose
- 6 All of the following are TRUE about Cryptococcal neoformans EXCEPT -
- 7 P carinii pneumonia (PCP) the recommended secondary prophylaxis is -
- 8 Subdural Empyema is most commonly caused by -
- 9 Subdural Empyema most commonly involves -
- 10 Commonest cause of Subdural Empyema in cases secondary to cranial trauma -
The drug of choice of cryptococcal meningitis -
[AI -1995]
Induction therapy - Amphotericin B
Tropical spastic paraparesis is caused by -
[AIIMS -2015]
Tropical spastic paraparesis - causes weakness, muscle spasms, and sensory disturbance
Causative agent - Human T-lymphotropic virus [HTLV] resulting in paraparesis
All of the following are TRUE about Ramsay hunt syndrome EXCEPT -
Palatal myoclonus is a rapid spasm of the palatal (roof of the mouth) muscles - due to lesions of the central tegmental tract (which connects the red nucleus to the ipsilateral inferior olivary nucleus). Uniquely, the clicking noise does not subside when the patient sleeps.
All of the following are TRUE about Palatal Myoclonus EXCEPT -
Palatal myoclonus-
Rapid spasm of the palatal (roof of the mouth) muscles, which results in clicking or popping in the ear.
Movements of the palate vary in rate between 40 and 200 beats per minute.
Chronic clonus is often due to lesions of the central tegmental tract (which connects the red nucleus to the ipsilateral inferior olivary nucleus).
Uniquely, the clicking noise does not subside when the patient sleeps.
CSF glucose level is approximately ---------- of Plasma glucose
The glucose level in CSF is proportional to the blood glucose level and corresponds to 60-70% of the concentration in blood.
Normal CSF glucose levels - 45–80 mg/dL
All of the following are TRUE about Cryptococcal neoformans EXCEPT -
AIDS-associated cryptococcosis account for 85% of all patients diagnosed with cryptococcosis
P carinii pneumonia (PCP) the recommended secondary prophylaxis is -
P carinii pneumonia (PCP), the recommended secondary prophylaxis is trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Subdural Empyema is most commonly caused by -
Subdural Empyema most commonly involves -
About 95% of subdural empyemas are located within the cranium
Most subdural empyemas involve the frontal lobe
5% involve the spinal neuraxis.
Commonest cause of Subdural Empyema in cases secondary to cranial trauma -
Commonest cause of Subdural Empyema - cases secondary to cranial trauma or surgical procedures -
- Staphylococcus aureus