WISEDANE Medical Search Steinberg sign Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery Gerbode defect Gerbode defect Types Eddy sounds Cottage-loaf sign Medullary rays of Ferrein Most common tumor of the cardiac valves Still’s murmur Most common congenital heart abnormality in Downs yndrome Mitral Valve Area is calculated as Most common structural cardiac etiology of syncope Syncope with higher rates of mortality Most common disease affecting the vertebral artery Herald hemiparesis Clues to the diagnosis of Right ventricular hypertrophy Systemic Vascular Resistance Calculations Kerley lines Double-density sign Boot-shaped heart Wood units Conversions Isolated LA enlargement Brown-Sequard Syndrome Most common tumor of the cardiac valves “Cluster of grapes” appearance in Left atrium seen in Echocardiogram Wilkins Scoring System for Mitral Valvuloplasty Mitral Valve Area by Pressure half-time Murmurs become louder during Valsalva maneuver Functional mitral stenosis Mid-diastolic Murmur due to increased flow across nonstenotic mitral valve “Cocktail party”-Type personality Feature of Williams syndrome Elfin facies Moeller-Hunter glossitis Structure looking like a “Maltese cross” “Maltese cross formations” on the blood film are diagnostic Diphyllobothrium latum causes Holt-Oram syndrome Parachute mitral valve Shone complex Most common cause of mitral stenosis Moderator band connects Lion of the Right ventricle Septal bounce Factors of Stress Echocardiography ASD Flow across the defect in restrictive defect Ventricular chamber compliance ASD Flow across the defect Qp/Qs ratio >1 Mitral Stenosis with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension Posts navigation Newer Newer 1…345…16 Older Older Medical Wikipedia