Maximum HR with exercise

Maximum HR with exercise is defined as

[A] HRmax = 120 − Age
[B] HRmax = 220 − Age
[C] HRmax = 320 − Age
[D] HRmax = 420 − Age

Newer equations for predicting maximum Heart Rate during excecise

[Have been proposed to more accurately]

Replace the “220 − age” rule to generate the maximum age-predicted

Men : HRmax = 208 − (0.7 × Age)
Women : HRmax = 206 − (0.88 × Age)

Newer equations for predicting maximum Heart Rate during excecise Male/FemaleEQUATION
HRmax = 208 − (0.7 × Age)
2Women HRmax = 206 − (0.88 × Age)
Newer equations for predicting maximum Heart Rate during excecise

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