Lambda (λ) sign in USG
Lambda (λ) sign
What is lambda sign?
- Lambda sign refers to the triangular projection of chorion between the layers of inter-twin membranes which resembles the Greek alphabet “lambda”.
What is suggested by Lambda (λ) sign in USG?
- Lambda (λ) sign in USG – Strongly suggests a dichorionic twin pregnancy.
Lambda (λ) sign in USG is best seen in which Trimester?
- Best seen in the first trimester – between 10-14 weeks
What is the othername for Lambda (λ) sign in USG?
- Twin peak sign is other name for lambda (λ) sign
- Lambda (λ) sign is a useful indicator of dichorionicity

ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed 12 Jan, 2023]

Source :
Transabdominal pelvic ultrasound image obtained at 16 weeks of gestation shows both foeti labeled A and B. The limbs of the lambda sign are highlighted with arrows. The ‘peak’ is labeled with an asterisk
USG First Trimester | Indicates | |
1 | T sign | Monochorionicity |
2 | Lambda (λ) sign | Dichorionicity |