Infectious diseases MCQs-4

Lung Sounds

Bronchial breathing are normally found in all of the following places EXCEPT

A. Trachea

B. Right clavicle

C. Right interscapular space

D. Axilla

Tubular breathing is seen in

A. Hemothorax

B. Pneumothorax

C. Pleural Effusion

D. Consolidation

Bronchial sounds are known as

A. Pectoriloquy 

B. Bronchophony

C. Egophony

D. Tubular sound

Tests used to detect Vocal Resonance are all EXCEPT –

A. Meniscus sign

B. Bronchophony

C. Egophony

D. Whispered pectoriloquy

When pathological lung tissue distorts vowel sounds and makes them more nasal in quality called as

A. Echolalia 

B. Bronchophony

C. Egophony

D. Whispered pectoriloquy

All are TRUE about bronchial sounds EXCEPT

A. Loud

B. Harsh

C. High pitched

D. Predominantly heard during inspiration

Terms high and low pitch are defined by the American Thoracic Society Committee

High pitch – 400hz or greater

Low pitch – 200hz or less

Bronchial sounds

  1. Also called tubular sounds
  2. Normally arise from the tracheobronchial tree
  3. Loud, harsh, and high pitched bronchial sounds are typically heard over the trachea or at the right apex. 
  4. They are predominantly heard during expiration. 
  5. If heard in other areas of the lung, bronchial sounds are abnormal. 

Vesicular breath sounds

Vesicular breath sounds are soft, low pitched, predominantly inspiratory, and appreciated especially well at the posterior lung bases. 

Bronchovesicular sounds

Bronchovesicular sounds can be heard during inspiration and expiration and have a mid-range pitch and intensity. 


Bronchophony -the voice appears closer and louder.


Egophony -makes them more nasal in quality


Pectoriloquy – describes the finding of a clear and intelligible sound when the patient whispers; it usually is unclear and unintelligible.

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