Image Question-38

A. Hensen’s cells
B. Oxyphil cell
C. Mott cell
D. Club cell

Mott cells
Mott cells are plasma cells that have spherical inclusions packed in their cytoplasm.
Highly refractile inclusion bodies -variable size
Russell bodies
These inclusion bodies are – Spherical inclusions
Russell bodies
Present within a single plasma cell having an eccentrically placed clock face nucleus
What is the structure of Russel bodies?
These inclusions are Russell bodies which are dilated endoplasmic reticulum cisternae containing condensed immunoglobulins (Ig)
Ultrastructural studies- inclusions are made up of condensed Ig’s within vesicular structures derived from dilated endoplasmic reticulum cisternae.
“Bunch of grapes” appearance of the plasma cell cytoplasm
Mott cells have the classic “bunch of grapes” appearance of the plasma cell cytoplasm packed with Ig inclusions (Russell bodies).
Mott cells can be seen in
- Plasma cell dyscrasias
- Reactive plasmacytoses
- Chronic inflammatory conditions
- Autoimmune-mediated diseases (eg, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis),
- Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
- von Recklinghausen’s neurofibromatosis.

“This image was originally published in ASH Image Bank. Author(s). Title. ASH Image Bank. Year; image number-image number. © the American Society of Hematology.”