Heart Rate Recovery

Abnormal heart rate recovery is defined as a heart rate decrease of less than ——- in the first minute after exercise compared to your peak heart rate.

[A] 8 beats per minute
[B] 10 beats per minute
[C] 12 beats per minute
[D] 16 beats per minute

Abnormal HR recovery after exercise – <12 beats per minute at 1 minute [indicates Chronotropic incompetence]

Heart rate recovery -reflects cardiac autonomic function

Heart rate recovery – defined as the difference between heart rate at the immediate cessation of exercise and heart rate at a later time interval [at 60 seconds or 120 seconds]

Heart rate recovery = heart rate at [peak exercise] −  heart rate at [1 or 2 minutes post exercise]

Normal heart rate recovery after exercise stress testing is considered to be ≥12 beats/min with stress ECG (where a cool-down period is performed postexercise).

During exercise echocardiography during which there is no cool-down period, a heart rate recovery of ≥18 beats/min within the first minute is considered normal.

Abnormal HRR can predict about

  • – Microvascular dysfunction
  • – Endothelial dysfunction

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