Ghost cells
Ghost cells generally lack nuclear and cytoplasmic details and are characteristically seen in All of the following EXCEPT
[A] Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor[B] Craniopharyngiomas
[C] Giant cell tumor
[D] Pilomatricomas

What is a ‘Ghost cell’?
▪️There is cell death with retainment of cellular architecture
▪️Ghost cells indicate coagulative necrosis
▪️They are dead cells
They are found in:
▪️Craniopharyngioma (Rathke pouch)
▪️Ameloblastic fibroma
▪️Calcifying odontogenic cyst (Gorlin cyst)
Infarcted Lymph Node – Ghost cells
- Usually result of involvement by lymphoma
- Vascular occlusion may explain necrosis
- Outlines of necrotic lymphoma cells (“ghost cells”)