Frog-leg position

Frog-leg position
seen in

[A] Rheumatoid arthritis
[B] Cauda equina syndrome
[C] Intramedullary tumor of Spinal cord
[D] Caudal regression syndrome

Caudal regression syndrome – also called as

    • sacral agenesis
    • hypoplasia of the sacrum

Frog-leg position: child’s legs bend with their knees pointed outward and their feet in line with their hips.

Can be seen in –

  • Natural resting position for babies
  • Caudal regression syndrome
  • Hypotonia

Caudal regression syndrome radiograph

CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Antero-posterior radiographic view, showing missing ribs, absent lumbosacral vertebrae, hypoplastic pelvis and “frog-like” position of the lower extremities.

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