Fried egg appearance – which type of brain tumor?

Image Question-55

Fried egg appearance is a typical microscopic characteristic of which type of brain tumor?

[A] Glioblastoma
[B] Medulloblastoma
[C] Oligodendroglioma
[D] Astrocytomas

Which tumor has a network of thin blood vessels that appear as a “chicken wire” pattern?

[A] Glioblastoma
[B] Medulloblastoma
[C] Oligodendroglioma
[D] Astrocytomas

Oligodendroglioma most commonly seen in

[A] Frontal lobe
[B] Temporal lobe
[C] Parietal lobe
[D] Cerebellum

Oligodendroglioma1 high mag


“chicken wire” pattern.

Oligodendroglioma – has a network of thin blood vessels that appear as a “chicken wire” pattern.

Oligodendroglioma most commonly seen in – Frontal Lobe


Most common site of Oligodendroglioma 

  • Cerebral hemisphere
  • White matter
  • 80 to 90% supratentorial
  • Most commonly in the frontal lobes

Most common mutation in oligodendroglioma

Most common mutation in oligodendroglioma is the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) R132H gene mutation, which is found in more than 90% of grade II oligodendrogliomas.

*Most common tumor mutation in general [ all cancer] –*

TP53 gene mutation – which is a tumor suppressor gene that controls cell growth and division

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