Draped aorta sign

What is shown in CT Scan White arrows?
Image Shows – ‘Draped aorta sign’ CT Scan-
Signs of impending AAA rupture Seen in CT Scan –
- Posterior aortic wall follows the contour of the anterior portion of the vertebra, with loss of fat planes between the aneurysm and vertebra (white arrowheads).
- Discrete thrombus fissuration (white arrow) is also seen.
These are both signs of impending AAA rupture
What is ‘Draped aorta sign’?
‘Draped aorta sign’ – seen in contained rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm
Why it is called as ‘Draped aorta sign’ –
Posterior contour of the aorta follows the contour of the spine and it looks like aorta is draped over the vertebral body.
Posterior wall of an aortic aneurysm drapes or molds to the anterior surface of the vertebra. So it is called as ‘Draped aorta sign’ .
Fat planes between the aneurysm and vertebra are lost
‘Draped aorta sign’ on CT Scan –