Choice of valve prosthesis for mitral valve replacement
Mechanical prosthesis is recommended for patients for mitral valve replacement A. < 35 years B....
Mechanical prosthesis is recommended for patients for mitral valve replacement A. < 35 years B....
Anteriorly it passes through the tip of the 9th costal cartilage Posteriorly through the lower...
Pain due to intermittent claudication of the cauda equina is most commonly caused by Lumbar...
Major types of Retinal emboli – (1) cholesterol – Hollenhorst plaques – most commonly from...
Wilbrand’s knee: Inferonasal fibres of the optic nerve which go into the contralateral optic nerve...
Most common cause of arrhythmic cardiac syncope Atrioventricular block Most common arrhythmias causing syncope AV...
Which is the outermost layer of choroid? A. Haller’s layer B. Sattler’s layer C. Choriocapillaris...
Causes of peau d’orange – What is the common mechanism of Orange peel skin? Phenomenon...
Cooper’s ligaments of the breast – Also known as – Suspensory ligaments of Cooper Fibrocollagenous...
Cooper’s Ligament- Pectineal ligament Pectineal ligament is known as the inguinal ligament of Cooper, This...
Most common cause of headache due to persistent low CSF volume is – CSF leak...
In-Shorts Pulmonary Embolism Rule out Criteria (PERC) Pulmonary embolism workup can be ruled out if...
Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for Marfan Syndrome Revised (2010) Ghent criteria In the 2010 revised Ghent...
What is Ankle Brachial Index? ABI is a non-invasive tool for the assessment of vascular...
Classic chest radiograph signs of pulmonary emboli include – Signs of Pulmonary Embolism Findings on...
“Hanging Jaw Sign” Myasthenia gravis Weakness of the muscles of facial expression and muscles of...
Dermatomyositis is a rare acquired immune-mediated muscle disease characterized by muscle weakness and skin rash. It is classified as one of the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM). Although all idiopathic inflammatory myopathies share the common presentation of muscle weakness, they differ clinically in terms of muscle groups involved and histopathological findings. Dermatomyositis presents with characteristic skin findings and symmetric proximal skeletal muscle weakness.
Wickham striae Lichen planus Corresponds to fine white or gray lines or dots seen on...
Koebner Phenomenon [This phenomenon is also termed the isomorphic response] Appearance of new skin lesions...
Bancroft’s sign Also known as Moses’ sign Clinical sign found in patients with deep vein...
Auer rods (or Auer bodies) – Large, crystalline cytoplasmic inclusion bodies Observed in myeloid blast...
Beck’s triad [cardiology]Components of Beck’s triad [cardiology] Associated with – acute cardiac tamponade Hypotension with...
What is a ‘Snowboarder’s fracture’ ? Fracture of the lateral process of the talus. Mode...
‘Violin string’ like adhesions in the pelvis and around the liver suggests which infection? Chlamydial...
Calcific degeneration usually involves which fibroids? subserous fibroids with small pedicle or myomas of postmenopausal...
Brenner tumor Usually arises from squamous metaplasia of surface epithelium. Gross picture of Brenner is...
Rokitansky’s protuberance Dermoid cyst of ovary area of solid projection called Rokitansky’s protuberance which is...
Meigs’ syndrome: Ascites right side hydrothorax benign ovarian tumor -fibroma of the ovary, Brenner, thecoma...
Atopic Dermatitis Hanifin and Rajka criteria Major criteria (need 3 or more) are as follows:...
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