Heart-hand syndrome
Congenital heart malformations are present in 75% of individuals with Holt-Oram syndrome, Most commonly Associated...
Congenital heart malformations are present in 75% of individuals with Holt-Oram syndrome, Most commonly Associated...
“Heart failure” cells “Heart failure” cells seen commonly in [A] Lungs[B] Heart[C] Spleen[D] Liver “Heart...
Steinberg sign Steinberg sign is positive in [A] Ebstein anomaly[B] Marfan syndrome[C] Tetralogy of Fallot[D]...
Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery Anomalous left coronary artery arising from...
Gerbode defect Gerbode defect Gerbode defect is [A] Shunt between LV and LA[B] Shunt between...
Gerbode defect Types Gerbode defect Types Gerbode defect Types Gerbode defect Types Illustration by Soetisna...
Eddy sounds Eddy sounds are heard in [A] ASD[B] VSD[C] TOF[D] PDA Eddy sounds Eddy...
Cottage-loaf sign Cottage-loaf sign Cottage-loaf sign seen in [A] Tetralogy of Fallot[B] Scimitar syndrome[C] TAPVC[D]...
Still’s murmur Still’s murmur [A] Functional heart murmur[B] Murmur in Rheumatoid arthritis[C] Flow murmur in...
Most common congenital heart abnormality in Down syndrome Most common congenital heart abnormality in Downs...
Mitral Valve Area is calculated as Mitral Valve Area is calculated as ‘X’ divided by...
Systemic Vascular Resistance Calculations Calculate Systemic Vascular Resistance – given Calculate systemic vascular resistance in...
Wood units 1 Wood units equals [A] 8 dyne.sec/cm5[B] 10 dyne.sec/cm5[C] 18 dyne.sec/cm5[D] 80 dyne.sec/cm5...
“Cocktail party”-Type personality “Cocktail party”-Type personality seen in [A] Down syndrome[B] Williams syndrome[C] Noonan syndrome[D]...
Feature of Williams syndrome Which of the following is not a feature of Williams syndrome?...
Elfin facies Elfin facies [A] Down syndrome[B] Williams syndrome[C] Noonan syndrome[D] Marfan syndrome Elfin facies
Holt-Oram syndrome Holt-Oram syndrome also called as [A] Williams syndrome[B] Noonan syndrome[C] Heart-hand syndrome [D]...
Parachute mitral valve Parachute mitral valve is a part of the congenital Syndrome [A] Heart-hand...
Shone complex Shone complex commonly includes all of the following Except [A] Supravalvular mitral membrane...
Most common cause of mitral stenosis Most common cause of mitral stenosis [A] Rheumatic fever[B]...
Moderator band connects Moderator band connects [A] Posterior papillary muscles of the mitral valve to...
Lion of the Right ventricle Lion of the Right ventricle [A] Infundibulum[B] Lateral wall[C] Septum[D]...
Septal bounce Mitral stenosis Septal bounce seen in [A] Mostly in Systole[B] Early diastole[C] Only...
Stress Echocardiography All of the following factors decrease the sensitivity and specificity of stress echocardiography...
ASD Flow across the defect in restrictive defect is determined largely by [A] Size of...
Ventricular chamber compliance is determined mostly by [A] Preload[B] Afterload[C] Myocardial muscle mass[D] Chamber geometry...
In ASD Flow across the defect occurs in [A] Mostly in Systole[B] Only diastole[C] Only...
Ratio of total pulmonary blood flow to total systemic blood flow [Qp/Qs] ratio > 1...
PARDEE SIGN on ECG seen in A. Atrial Fibrillation B. PSVT C. Acute Myocardial Infarction...
Duke Treadmill Score 56 year male came with history of atypical chest discomfort. Patient was...
A 40 years smoker male came to Emmergency department of hospital with chest discomfort which...
Most sensitive and specific test for myocardial damage A. Troponin I B. CK-MB C. Lactate...
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