Broca’s area

Broca’s area is present in –

A. Frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere

B. Parietal lobe of the Non-dominant hemisphere

C. Frontal lobe of the Non-dominant hemisphere

D. Parietal lobe of the dominant hemisphere

Broca’s area is represented in Brodmann’s cytoarchitectonic map as –

A. Brodmann area 22

B. Brodmann area 44

C. Brodmann area 33

D. Brodmann area 46

Broca area originates from the embryonic –

A. Ectoderm 

B. Endoderm

C. Mesoderm

D. Ectoderm and Mesoderm

Which artery most commonly supplies the Broca area?

A. Left anterior cerebral artery

B. Right anterior cerebral artery

C. Left middle cerebral artery

D. Right middle cerebral artery

Which artery serves as a collateral artery providing double blood supply to the Broca’s area in some cases?

A. Callosomarginal artery

B. Right anterior cerebral artery

C. Anterior communicating arteries

D. Short circumferential arteries

Language comprehension is primarily a function of –

A. Broca’s area

B. Wernicke’s area

C. Hippocampas

D. Amygdala

Brodmann area 44 receive more afferent connections from –

A. Prefrontal cortex

B. Superior temporal gyrus

C. Superior temporal sulcus

D. Inferior parietal regions

Which part of Brocca’s area is responsible for Semantic tasks?

A. Anterior part of Broca’s area

B. Posterior part of Broca’s area

C. Superior part of Broca’s area

D. Inferior part of Broca’s area

Which part of Brocca’s area is responsible for Phonological tasks?

A. Anterior part of Broca’s area

B. Posterior part of Broca’s area

C. Superior part of Broca’s area

D. Inferior part of Broca’s area

ALL of the following are other names of Wernicke’s aphasia EXCEPT –

A. Receptive aphasia

B. Posterior aphasia

C. Sensory aphasia

D. Conduction aphasia

ALL of the following types of aphasia Fluency of speech maintained EXCEPT –

A. Receptive aphasia

B. Expressive aphasia

C. Transcortical sensory aphasia

D. Conduction aphasia


SpeechFluent Non-fluent
1Anomic aphasiaExpressive aphasia
2Receptive aphasiaMixed transcortical aphasia
3Conduction aphasiaTranscortical motor aphasia
4Transcortical sensory aphasiaGlobal aphasia

What is expressive aphasia?

Broca’s aphasia. Also known as expressive aphasia,

Non-fluent aphasia

Characterized by partially losing the ability to produce spoken and written language.

Speech will still contain important content, but they may omit articles, prepositions

What is “telegraphic speech”?

Broca’s aphasia – patients exhibit.

Their speech will still contain important content, but they may omit articles, prepositions, and other words that only have grammatical significance. Thus, they are said to have “telegraphic speech.”

Infarction Involving Broca’s area – Radiopedia

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