Brenner tumor of Ovary
Ovarian Brenner tumors are
A. Epithelial tumor
B. Mucinous in nature
C. Majority are cystic
D. Secrete prolactin
Brenner tumor in ovary can cause –
A. Galactorrhea
B. Loss of weight
C. Post menopausal bleeding
D. Hypertension
Walthard cell nests are not found in
A. Ovarian hilus
B. Mesoappendix
C. Fallopian tubes
D. Mesovarium
Brenner tumor can be differentiated from walthard nests by presence of –
A. P63
C. Uroplakin
D. CK7
Not true about brenner tumor treatment
A. Bilateral oophorectomy for all
B. Unilateral oophorectomy in a young woman
C. Total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in elderly women
D. Debulking and adjuvant chemotherapy for malignant tumors
In short
- Brenner tumors are a subtype of the transitional cell neoplasms of the ovary and account for about 2% of ovarian neoplasms.
- Most Brenner tumors are solid, but some contain small or large cystic areas which may show mucinous differentiation.
- The cell nests show a frequent tendency toward central cystic degeneration, producing a superficial resemblance to a follicle.
- Granulosa cell tumors, unlike Brenner tumors, are negative for keratin proteins.
- During CT scanning, Brenner tumors characteristically demonstrate a finding of extensive amorphous calcification within the solid components of the ovarian mass.