Bell’s palsy

Most common cause of one-sided facial nerve paralysis –

A. Bell’s palsy

B. Tumor

C. Stroke

D. Lyme Disease

Bell’s palsy may present with loss of taste sensation –

A. Anterior 1⁄3 of the tongue on the affected side

B. Anterior 2⁄3 of the tongue on the affected side

C. Posterior 1⁄3 of the tongue on the affected side

D. Posterior 2⁄3 of the tongue on the affected side

Which of the following is caused by Bell’s palsy ?

A. Melancholia

B. Misophonia

C. Autophonia

D. Hyperacusis

Which type of involvement seen in Bell’s palsy?

A. Supranuclear

B. Nuclear

C. Upper motor neuron

D. Lower motor neuron

All muscles are innervated by Facial Nerve EXCEPT –

A. Stylohyoid muscle

B. Posterior belly of the digastric muscle

C. Anterior belly of the digastric muscle

D. Stapedius muscle

Which of the following score is used to grade the degree of nerve damage in a facial nerve palsy?

A. Waterlow score

B. Krenning score

C. House–Brackmann score

D. Centor criteria

Most people with Bell’s palsy start to regain normal facial function within –

A. 3 days

B. 1 week

C. 14 days

D. 3 weeks

What is the recurrence rate of Bell’s Palsy?

A. 5% to 7%

B. 8% to 12%

C. 15% to 20%

D. 20% to 30%

Even without treatment——— of patients in Bell’s Palsy will have complete resolution.

A. 50%

B. 70%

C. 90%

D. 100%

What is the median age of onset in Bell’s Palsy?

A. 15 years

B. 25 years

C. 40years

D. 60 years

Most common finding in Bell’s Palsy is –

A. Bilateral facial weakness that includes the muscles of the forehead.

B. Unilateral facial weakness that includes the muscles of the forehead.

C. Bilateral facial weakness that excludes the muscles of the forehead.

D. Unilateral facial weakness that excludes the muscles of the forehead.

Bell’s Palsy symptoms reach a peak in severity on –

A. 7 hours

B. 36 hours

C. 72 hours

D. 5 days


Waterlow scoreRisk for the development of a pressure sore
GMFCS scaleDescribes the gross motor function of people with cerebral palsy
Krenning scoreGrade the uptake intensity of neuroendocrine tumors on somatostatin receptor imaging such as octreotide scan.
Centor criteria
Identify the likelihood of a bacterial infection in adult patients complaining of a sore throat.
Eagle score Estimate of a patient’s risk of dying during heart surgery
medical score

House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System

House-Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System can be used to describe the degree of facial nerve weakness.

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