

Podocytes are highly specialized cells of the A. Kidney B. Liver C. Spleen D. Intestinal...

Heart failure cells

Heart failure cells are A. Reticulocytes B. Endothelial cells C. Siderophages D. Type II Pneumocytes...

Dust cells

Alveolar Macrophage are called Dust cells Dust cells contain numerous secondary lysosomes and lipid droplets....

Frey syndrome

All are TRUE about Frey syndrome EXCEPT A. Gustatory sweating B. Aberrant reinnervation of preganglionic...

Merkel cell

Merkel cell – Other Names Merkel-Ranvier cells Tactile epithelial cells What is the function of...

Samter’s Triad

Samter’s triad is characterized by the triad of A. Bronchial asthmaB. Nasal polypsC. Aspirin intolerance...

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