Pelvic inflammatory Disease
Which is the gold standard for diagnosis of Pelvic inflammatory disease?
Which is the gold standard for diagnosis of Pelvic inflammatory disease?
‘Violin string’ like adhesions in the pelvis and around the liver suggests which infection? Chlamydial...
Which is the major reservoir of pathogenic organisms in female genital tract? Endocervix
Which is the most common site of Chlamydia infection in the female genital tract? Columnar...
Calcific degeneration usually involves which fibroids? subserous fibroids with small pedicle or myomas of postmenopausal...
Brenner tumor Usually arises from squamous metaplasia of surface epithelium. Gross picture of Brenner is...
What is the most common complication of dermoid cyst? Torsion is the most common (15–20%)...
Rokitansky’s protuberance Dermoid cyst of ovary area of solid projection called Rokitansky’s protuberance which is...
Which is the largest benign ovarian tumor? MUCINOUS CYST ADENOMA
Meigs’ syndrome: Ascites right side hydrothorax benign ovarian tumor -fibroma of the ovary, Brenner, thecoma...
Atopic Dermatitis Hanifin and Rajka criteria Major criteria (need 3 or more) are as follows:...
Severity of atopic dermatitis Scoring system Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) – Based solely...
Type 2 Diabetes ADA Diagnosis Criteria Diagnostic criteria by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) include...
Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis For diagnosis the requirement is: 2 major...
Granulosa cell tumors Call–Exner bodies “coffee-bean” nuclei estrogen secreting tumors Biomarker for granulosa cell tumours...
Which hormones are secreted by Leydig cells? Which hormones are secreted by Leydig cells?Leydig cells...
What are Hobnail cells ? Hobnailing is seen in Clear cell ovarian adenocarcinoma, Papillary thyroid...
Which conditions Reinke crystals are found? Reinke crystals are rod-like cytoplasmic inclusions which can be...
Seen in – Granulosa cell tumors. Brenner tumor Granulosa cell tumors Tumors consists of –...
Diagnostic criteria by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) include the following:
What is the sodium level below which symptomatic hyponatremia occurs? Answer – C Symptomatic hyponatremia...
What is Spasticity? Increased tone of muscles called as spasticity Spasticity – Resistance determined by...
What is a Hürthle Cell? Hürthle cell is used to describe follicular-derived epithelial cells with oncocytic cytology. Oncocytes...
Gastric cells Cells found in the gastric glands include Cells Also called Secret 1 Foveolar...
Follow the link to Get Answers Contents What are the other names of Haptocorrin? What...
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