
Image Question-21

What is your diagnosis? https://www.webpathology.com/slides-13/slides/Ovary_Endometriotic%20Cyst1.jpg Endometriomas Why called as -chocolate cysts? Chocolate-like appearance is due...

Image Question-20

What is the diagnosis? This picture is a contribution of Paulo Henrique Orlandi Mourao (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en)....

Meckel’s cave

Meckel’s cave contains – A. Gasserian ganglion B. Basal ganglia C. Collateral ganglia C. Scarpa’s...


Ormeloxifene is also known as – A. Centchroman B. Progestin C. Drospirenone  D. Norethindrone All...

Vesicovaginal Fistula

Commonest type of genitourinary fistula is A. Vesicovaginal  B. Vesicourethrovaginal C. Urethrovaginal  D. Ureterovaginal Most...

Frog sign

Frog sign is seen in case of – A. Atrial Fibrillation B. Atrial flutter C....

Dot-Dash sign

Which of the following condition is associated with ‘Dot-Dash sign’? A. Motor Neuron Disease B....

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