

Rank and Wakefield classification is used for A. Scar B. Wound Healing C. Wounds D....

Oncology MCQs -5

Familial adenomatous polyposis A. X-linked dominant B. Autosomal dominant C. Autosomal recessive D. X-linked recessive...

Oncology MCQs -4

Warburg Effect is seen in A. Macrophages B. Langhans’ giant cells C. Xanthelasmatic giant cells...


Which is the most common cancer in the world? A. Lung cancer B. Hepatocellular carcinoma...

Neurology MCQs -2

Most commonly performed intelligence test in adults A. Woodcock–Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities B. Wechsler...


All are true of autoimmune gastritis except A. AIG patients have no risk of developing...

Neurology MCQs -1

Encephaloceles most commonly occur in the A. Frontal B. Occipital C. Nasofrontal D. Nasoethmoidal Craniosynostosis...

Staghorn vessels

“Antler-like” or “staghorn-like” appearance. Staghorn vessels 1 classically described with solitary fibrous tumors 2 staghorn...

Image Question-34

What is the Diagnosis of Image? Nephron, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons What...

Primary brain tumors

Tumor-like malformations of Brain include all except A. Epidermoid tumorsB. Colloid cystC. Pineal tumorsD. Craniopharyngioma...


Haptic memory is a type of sensory memory that represents A. visual stimuli B. auditory stimuli...

Pott Puffy Tumor

Pott puffy tumor results from A. Osteomyelitis B. Hyperplasia C. Neoplasia D. Osteoma Pott Puffy...

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