
Mitral facies

Mitral facies – distinctive facial appearance associated with mitral stenosis. Mitral facies -Pathology Mitral facies-...

Meyer’s loop

Meyer’s loop is associated with A. Auditory Pathway B. Visual Pathway C. Basal ganglia Pathway...

Thompson test

Thompson test examines A. Integrity of the Tympanic membrane B. Integrity of the Achilles tendon...

Acute liver failure

Leading cause of acute liver failure in developing countries is A. Viral hepatitisB. Paracetamol overdoseC....

Image Question-36

What is the diagnosis of the Marked structure in IMAGE? User:Plainpaper, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0,...

M cells

M cells are A. Macrophages B. Type of T-Cells C. Microfold cells D. Microcell Microfold...

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