
Samter’s Triad

Samter’s triad is characterized by the triad of A. Bronchial asthmaB. Nasal polypsC. Aspirin intolerance...

Beck’s triad

Beck’s triad Beck’s triad  Cause Cause – associated with acute cardiac tamponade-  medical emergency Pathophysiology...

Rigler triad

Seen in – Gallstone ileus What is Gallstone ileus? Gallstone ileus, a rare complication of...

Pancreatic cancer

Highest risk of pancreatic cancer is seen in A. Hereditary pancreatitisB. Cigarette smokingC. Chronic pancreatitisD....

Acute pancreatitis

Most common causes of acute pancreatitis are A. Gallstones, alcohol use, and hypertriglyceridemiaB. Drug-induced, gallstones...

Pigment stones

Pigment stones are type of Gallstones  Appearance Bilirubin (“pigment”, “black pigment”) stones are small, dark...


Not true of bile stone formation is A. Brown pigment stones are more commonly seen...

Image Question -44

What is the diagnosis? Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure ‘Mercedes-Benz’ sign What is...

Mercedes-Benz sign

Star-shaped pattern of gas-fissuring within gallstones. Mercedes-Benz sign Sign occurs due to the gas fissuring...

Mitral facies

Mitral facies – distinctive facial appearance associated with mitral stenosis. Mitral facies -Pathology Mitral facies-...

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