Artery of Salmon

Artery of Salmon is a branch of

[A] Basilar artery
[B] Middle cerebral artery
[C] Vertebral artery
[D] Internal carotid artery

Artery of Salmon arises from which segment of vertebral artery?

[A] V1
[B] V2
[C] V3
[D] V4

What are the segments of Vertebral artery?

Vertebral artery is divided into 4 segments
1V1Pre-foraminal segment Origin to the transverse foramen of C6
2V2Foraminal segmentTransverse foramen of C6 to the transverse foramen of C2
3V3Atlantic, extradural or extraspinal segmentStarts from C2, where the artery loops and turns lateral to ascend into the transverse foramen continues through C1 to pierce the dura
4V4Intradural or intracranial segmentFrom the dura at the lateral edge of the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane to their confluence on the medulla to form the basilar artery
Vertebral artery is divided into 4 segments

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