Physiology Review : INFO-CARDS : I

Physiology Review : INFO-CARDS : I

Clinical uses of C-peptide testing

What are the Clinical uses of C-peptide testing
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distinguishing type 1 diabetes from type 2 diabetes or Maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY)
Differential diagnosis of hypoglycemia.
possibility of gastrinomas associated with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasm syndromes (MEN 1).
determine degree of insulin resistance

A and B chains in Insulin

A and B chains in Insulin - are connected to each other by------- interchain disulphide linkages
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TWO - A and B chains in Insulin - are connected to each other by two interchain disulphide linkages, connecting A7 to B7 and A20 to B19. In addition, there is an intrachain disulphide link in chain


Preproinsulin- an insulin precursor consisting -------- NUMBER of amino acids
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Insulin Gene

located on chromosome NUMBER
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Insulin Gene - located on chromosome 11 directs the synthesis of preproinsulin.

Endogenous production of insulin

Estimation of ------------ in the plasma serves as an useful index for the endogenous production of insulin?
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C-peptide or connecting peptide - is a short 31-amino-acid polypeptide that connects insulin's A-chain to its B-chain in the proinsulin molecule.
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