Neurology Flash Cards-1

Neurology Flash Cards-1

Rosenthal's canal

What is 'Rosenthal's canal' ?
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Rosenthal's canal- spiral canal of the cochlea
A section of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear
30 mm long
makes 2.75 turns about the modiolus

Scarpa fluid

What is Scarpa fluid?
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Scarpa fluid -Endolymph is known as Scarpa fluid which is a clear fluid that can be found in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.

Endolymph is separated from surrounding perilymph by which structure?

Endolymph is separated from surrounding perilymph by which structure?
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Reissner membrane
Endolymph is separated from surrounding perilymph by the Reissner membrane.

Endolymph - unique composition

What is the unique composition of Endolymph?
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Endolymph - unique in composition compared to other extracellular fluids in the body due to its high potassium ion concentration (140 mEq/L) and low sodium ion concentration (15 mEq/L).

Abnormal stapedius reflex

In the absence of severe hearing loss, an abnormal stapedius reflex may suggest lesion of which structures?
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In the absence of severe hearing loss an abnormal stapedius reflex suggests
Lesion in - CN VII or VIII or the brainstem

Wernicke’s area

What is the function of Wernicke’s area ?
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Wernicke’s area - Auditory association cortex
Present in the dominant hemisphere which lies just posterior to the primary auditory cortex.

Fibers of Piccolomini

Fibers of Piccolomini
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Fibers of Piccolomini - also called Striae medullares of fourth ventricle.
Bands of medullated fibers which cross the floor of fourth ventricle
Fibers arise from - cells in Arcuate nuclei adjacent to pyramids and some from pontobulbar body.

Internal auditory artery is a branch of which artery?

Internal auditory artery is a branch of which artery?
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Inferior cerebellar artery gives off the branch internal auditory artery
Internal auditory artery also known as the labyrinthine artery

What is commissure of Probst ?

What is commissure of Probst ?
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Commissure of Probst Commissure of Probst is the major auditory projection through which the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) makes connections with the contralateral DNLL and the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC)

Hippocampal formation

Hippocampal formation is composed of which structures?
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Hippocampal formation is composed of the hippocampus proper (Ammon’s horn), the dentate gyrus, and the subiculum.

Inner ear is formed embryologically from which tissue?

Inner ear is formed embryologically from which tissue?
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Inner ear is formed embryologically from ectodermal tissue.

Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease
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Tinnitus, Intermittent hearing loss, Vertigo


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