Medicine Review MCQs-VII

Medicine Review MCQs-VII

Waddling gait also known as -

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Myopathic gait also known as waddling gait is a form of gait abnormality.
The "waddling" is due to the weakness of the proximal muscles of the pelvic girdle

Waddling gait seen in all of the following EXCEPT -

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Conditions associated with a myopathic gait -
congenital hip dysplasia,
muscular dystrophies,
spinal muscular atrophy

Scissors gait seen in -

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Knees and thighs hit or cross in a scissors-like pattern when walking
The steps are slow and small. This type of gait occurs often in patients with spastic cerebral palsy.

Steppage gait seen in -

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“high stepping” type of gait in which the leg is lifted high, the foot drops, appearing floppy, and the toes points downward, scraping the ground, when walking.

HTT gene is located on the short arm (p) of chromosome ----------

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Huntington's disease is a progressive brain disorder caused by a single defective gene on chromosome 4
Mutated HTT is the cause of Huntington's disease

Motor symptoms of Parkinsonism result from the death of cells in -

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Parkinsonism - motor symptoms of the disease result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra

Wilson's disease gene (ATP7B) is on chromosome number ------

Correct! Wrong!

Wilson's disease - inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern
Wilson's disease gene (ATP7B) is on chromosome 13

Which disease is the most common from a group of hereditary diseases that cause copper overload in the liver?

Correct! Wrong!

Wilson's disease is the most common from a group of hereditary diseases that cause copper overload in the liver.
All can cause cirrhosis at a young age

Lactic acidosis is seen in deficiency of -

Correct! Wrong!

Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency - Lactic acidosis and Hyperammonaemia

Overexpression of superoxide dismutase-1[SOD1]has been linked to the neural disorders seen in -

Correct! Wrong!

SOD1 is located in the cytoplasm, SOD2 in the mitochondria, and SOD3 is extracellular.
Overexpression of SOD1 has been linked to the neural disorders seen in Down syndrome

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