Medicine Review MCQs-VIII

Medicine Review MCQs-VIII

Most common cause of anemia is ---------

Correct! Wrong!

Most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency

Most common cause of iron deficiency in adults ------

Correct! Wrong!

Bleeding is the most common cause of iron deficiency in adults

Pagophagia is the compulsive consumption of ------------

Correct! Wrong!

Pagophagia is the compulsive consumption of ice or iced drinks

Pagophagia has been shown to be associated with iron-deficiency anemia and responsive to iron supplementation
Omophagia (omo - phagia): the act of eating raw meat.
Geophagia (geo - phagia): a term that refers to the eating of earth substances especially chalky or clay substances.

In healthy populations fingernails grow at about -----mm/day and toenails at about ----- mm/day

Correct! Wrong!

In healthy populations fingernails grow at about 0.1mm/day and toenails at about 0.05mm/day

Mees' lines appear after an episode of poisoning with -

Correct! Wrong!

Mees' lines appear after an episode of poisoning with arsenic thallium or other heavy metals or selenium

Prolonged use of -------------- can lead to blue-gray staining of skin, fingernails

Correct! Wrong!

Prolonged use of minocycline can lead to blue-gray staining of skin, fingernails, and scar tissue.

Muehrcke's lines - all of the following are TRUE EXCEPT-

Correct! Wrong!

Muehrcke's lines -
Pale transverse bands
Thumb is usually not involved - in contrast to Mees' lines
Not grooved - contrast to Beau's lines,

Half and half nails also called as -

Correct! Wrong!

Half and half nails ("Lindsay's nails")- proximal portion of the nail white and the distal half red, pink, or brown, with a sharp line of demarcation between the two halves

Half and Half nails were significantly common in -

Correct! Wrong!

Half and Half nails were significantly more common in hemodialysis patients,
leukonychia was significantly more common in renal transplant patients

Menkes disease - all of the following are CORRECT EXCEPT -

Correct! Wrong!

Hair appears strikingly peculiar: kinky, colorless or silvery, and brittle
Like all X-linked recessive conditions, Menkes disease is more common in males than in females.

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