Anatomy of Tooth

Ameloblasts are cells that deposit

A. Dentine

B. Enamel

C. Periosteum

D. Epiphyses

Odontoblasts produce

A. Dentine

B. Enamel

C. Periosteum

D. Complete Tooth

Ameloblast are

A. Cuboidal cell

B. Squamous Cell

C. Cartillage cells

D. Columnar cell

Secretory end of the ameloblast ends in a six-sided pyramid-like projection known as the

A. Vermiform process

B. Tomes’ process

C. Uncinate process

D. Coronoid process

Basic unit of tooth enamel

A. Odontoblasts

B. Tomes’ process

C. Ameloblast

D. Enamel prism

Striae of Retzius is seen in

A. Dentine

B. Gum

C. Enamel

D. Cementum

Lines of Owen

A. Dentine

B. Gum

C. Enamel

D. Cementum

Korff fibers consist of

A. Type 1 collagen

B. Type 2 collagen

C. Type 3 collagen

D. Type 4 collagen

In shorts

Ameloblasts become fully functional

Ameloblasts will only become fully functional after the first layer of dentin (predentin) has been formed by odontoblasts.

Ameloblasts – undergo apoptosis

Ameloblasts are part of the reduced enamel epithelium after enamel maturation and then subsequently undergo apoptosis before or after tooth eruption

Hardest substance in the human body

Ameloblasts are cells which secrete the enamel proteins enamelin and amelogenin which will later mineralize to form enamel, the hardest substance in the human body.

Striae of Retzius

Striae of Retzius are incremental growth lines or bands seen in tooth enamel

Contour lines of owen

Contour lines of owen – owens lines. Accentuated incremental lines in the dentin thought to be due to disturbances in the mineralization process.

Neonatal line

Neonatal line is a particular band of incremental growth lines seen in histologic sections of a tooth. It belongs to a series of a growth lines in tooth enamel known as the Striae of Retzius. The neonatal line is darker and larger than the rest of the striae of Retzius.

What is the difference between the lines of von Ebner and the lines of Owen?

Wider spaced incremental lines in dentine occur as small changes in the direction of the dentine tubules along the forming front. These are called Owen’s lines and possibly correspond to the striae of Retzius in enamel.

Smaller incremental lines between Owen’s lines are known as von Ebners lines.

What is incremental line of von Ebner?

Incremental Lines of Von Ebner: These are also called as Imbrication Lines.

They appear as fine lines or striations in dentin. They are at right angles to dentinal tubules and represent rhythmic, recurrent daily deposition of dentin

Korff fibers

Korff fibers, also von Korff fibers

Thick collageneous fibers in the developing tooth that begin in the dental papilla, spiral between the cells of the odontoblast layer, and form the matrix of the dentin.

They are often the first sign of dentin formation.

It consist of type 3 collagen, associated, at least initially, with fibronectin.

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