Thompson test
Thompson test examines
A. Integrity of the Tympanic membrane
B. Integrity of the Achilles tendon
C. Integrity of the pupillary reflex
D. Integrity of the Vagotomy
Achilles Squeeze test:
Simmons Test, Thompson test
For Achilles tendon rupture. Squeezing the calf muscle fails to produce plantar flexion of the ankle joint.
Also called – Simmons Test, Thompson test
Thompson test procedure
Patient lies prone with his foot over the end of the table.
Alternatively, the patient could lie prone with his knee flexed to 90°.
The examiner squeezes the calf muscles, specifically the gastrocnemius – soleus complex, with his hand. Squeezing the calf should cause contraction of the Achilles tendon, resulting in plantar flexion.
If the Achilles tendon is completely ruptured, there will not be any apparent plantar flexion.
Complete Achilles tendon rupture
Additional clinical signs that may be observed to corroborate the diagnosis:
Inspection- with the patient prone and both ankles fully relaxed, the foot on the ruptured side hangs straight down due to the absence of the tendon tone
Palpable gap
There may be a palpable gap in the tendon, approximately 3-6cm proximal to the insertion into the calcaneus
Strength of the plantar flexion
The strength of the plantar flexion is markedly reduced